Dario Merlo’s presentation provided a brief background on the Jane Goodall Institutes Community-Centered Conservation Programs in the DRC, and focused on the more recent efforts of facilitating the development of a Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for great apes in Eastern DRC. The CAP process brought together government and non-government organizations working on conservation and development to discuss the threats to chimpanzees and the Grauer’s gorillas, and develop strategies to address them, so as to ensure their survival.
Mr. Merlo is the Project Coordinator for the Jane Goodall Institute’s Community Centered Conservation Program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC-CCC). The DRC-CCC program is a holistic approach to conservation. By improving health care, providing family planning training and methods, and supporting local people to develop sustainable and more efficient agricultural and livestock practices, the program aims to build the community’s capacity for conservation.
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