This step-by-step toolkit, authored by GVEP international for AWF and JGI, walks users undertaking clean energy projects at the household level in conservation areas of Kenya and Tanzania through the process of designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating sustainable energy projects within the context of conservation.
The toolkit considers the technologies of solar, improved cookstoves, briquettes and eco charcoal, wind and biogas and the prerequisites for when these technologies are suitable. For example solar is most suitable in areas that are off grid that are unlikely to be connected in the next five years and receive sufficient levels of sunlight. Various types of technology exist that may be suited to different situations, for example fixed and portable improved stoves. The pros and cons of each technology option should also be considered; for example briquettes can reduce reliance on charcoal from unsustainable sources but production may be more labor intensive and increase the unit price of the fuel.
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