Event details

  • The World Bank, Room # MC 4 - 300, 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433
  • June 12, 2017
  • Monday, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM

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Natural resource governance: the key to implementing Gabon’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) by Prof. Lee White

The World Bank, Room # MC 4 - 300, 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433

Monday, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
June 12, 2017


Gabon is a coastal country in Central Africa, resource-rich and well-endowed with arable land, forest, and mineral resources. It contains three of the world’s globally important eco-regions, and it has a particularly high level of biodiversity and a large number of endemic species. Forests cover 88% of the country, which accounts for approximately 15% of the Congo Basin rainforest. These forests are one of the last strongholds for the forest elephant with an estimated elephant population of 40,000; they are thought to be home to 50% of all remaining forest elephants in Africa. This biodiversity is afforded protection through a network of protected areas that includes 13 national parks. Similarly, Gabon’s coastal waters and marine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are biologically and economically important. The management authority for Gabon’s national parks is the Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN). The event talked about Gabon’s strategies to optimize these resources with Prof. Lee White, Executive Director of ANPN, and called a “real-life Tarzan” by National Geographic.

Gabon is a coastal country in Central Africa, resource-rich and well-endowed with arable land, forest, and mineral resources. It contains three of the world’s globally important eco-regions, and it has a particularly high level of biodiversity and a large number of endemic species. Forests cover 88% of the country, which accounts for approximately 15% of the Congo Basin rainforest. These forests are one of the last strongholds for the forest elephant with an estimated elephant population of 40,000; they are thought to be home to 50% of all remaining forest elephants in Africa. This biodiversity is afforded protection through a network of protected areas that includes 13 national parks. Similarly, Gabon’s coastal waters and marine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are biologically and economically important. The management authority for Gabon’s national parks is the Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN). We invite you to join the talk about Gabon’s strategies to optimize these resources with Prof. Lee White, Executive Director of ANPN, and called a “real-life Tarzan” by National Geographic.

Live Stream this session (WebEx):When it’s time, click here to join the meeting. Meeting password: cPG9cAHx

– See more at: https://abcg.org/abcg_events?year=2017&month=12#sthash.NF4MYSgT.dpuf

Gabon is a coastal country in Central Africa, resource-rich and well-endowed with arable land, forest, and mineral resources. It contains three of the world’s globally important eco-regions, and it has a particularly high level of biodiversity and a large number of endemic species. Forests cover 88% of the country, which accounts for approximately 15% of the Congo Basin rainforest. These forests are one of the last strongholds for the forest elephant with an estimated elephant population of 40,000; they are thought to be home to 50% of all remaining forest elephants in Africa. This biodiversity is afforded protection through a network of protected areas that includes 13 national parks. Similarly, Gabon’s coastal waters and marine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are biologically and economically important. The management authority for Gabon’s national parks is the Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN). We invite you to join the talk about Gabon’s strategies to optimize these resources with Prof. Lee White, Executive Director of ANPN, and called a “real-life Tarzan” by National Geographic.

Live Stream this session (WebEx):When it’s time, click here to join the meeting. Meeting password: cPG9cAHx

– See more at: https://abcg.org/abcg_events?year=2017&month=12#sthash.NF4MYSgT.dpuf