IUCN USA Multilateral Office Final Technical Report to Project: Task A: 25 year Biodiversity Assessment and Path Forward – Dar es Salaam Validation Workshop Biodiversity Analysis and Technical Support (BATS) for USAID/Africa Award # RLA-A-00-07-00043-00
IUCN, through the IUCN USA Multilateral Office, was awarded a subgrant under the USAID grant to WWF for support of the African Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) under the Biodiversity Analysis and Technical Support project.
IUCN’s two primary functions under the subgrant agreement are:
- to co-convene, facilitate and report upon a meeting in Washington of US-based African biodiversity experts;
- to convene, facilitate, and report upon a workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in conjunction with IUCN’s Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, on the future of biodiversity in Africa.
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