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The Faith-based Education for Sustainable Development Teacher’s Toolkit, integrating faith values about caring for Creation with teaching on the environment in faith-sponsored primary schools, was launched in Nairobi, Kenya, on July 17, 2013. The result of two years’ work by the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) and the Kenyan Organization for Environmental Education (KOEE), the groundbreaking toolkit has been endorsed by Kenya’s major Christian, Muslim and Hindu groups as well as the Ministry of Education and National Environment Management Authority.

 Kenya’s Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Professor George Godia, wrote the foreword. He said the Toolkit “could not have come at a better time”, adding: “I salute the Kenya Organization for Environmental Education and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation for this joint and timely initiative.”

The toolkit is now being piloted in schools with the establishment of eco schools and demonstration projects and teachers from faith schools are being trained in its use.

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