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Traditional tools, technologies and resources are not stemming the illegal killing and trading of endangered species and the resulting loss of biodiversity, such as tigers, rhinos, elephants, great apes and their habitats. There is a major need to narrow the growing gap between the sophistication of those involved in the illegal capture and trade in wildlife and the number, skill levels and motivation of the personnel committed to enforcing antipoaching laws. To begin to address these issues, a consortium of global conservation organizations including WCS, WWF, North Carolina Zoo, Zoological Society of London, CITES MIKE, and Frankfurt Zoological Society developed the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART). SMART is a new and innovative tool that focuses on law enforcement planning, monitoring, and adaptive management in protected areas and other key biodiversity sites. SMART is an effective, efficient, free, and user-friendly tool that improves monitoring efforts to tackle poaching.

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