Biodiversity Analysis and Technical Support for USAID/Africa Annual Report for the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group FY2014

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With funding from the US Agency for International Developmentā€™s (USAID) Biodiversity Analysis and Technical Support (BATS) program, ABCG has made excellent progress towards our mission of tackling complex and changing conservation challenges by catalyzing and strengthening collaboration, and bringing the best resources from across a continuum of conservation organizations to effectively and efficiently work toward a vision of an African continent where natural resources and biodiversity are securely conserved in balance with sustained human livelihoods.

Safiatou Barry of Bala
Safiatou Barry and her daughter harvest baobab fruit in the Rural Community of Bala. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Dozoretz /USAID

The BATS program is a multi-partner USAID Bureau for Africa effort that has included International Resources Group (IRG) under the Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening Indefinite Quantity Contract (EPIQ II), the USDA Forest Service International Programs under an interagency agreement, Environmental Law Institute (ELI), the Capitalizing Knowledge, Connecting Communities (CK2C) project of new partner Development Alternatives, Incorporated (DAI) and the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group (ABCG) under a cooperative agreement. While all groups had separate funding and work plans, the three entities met regularly with USAID to coordinate their activities. This report details the activities of the BATS program over the period from October 2013 through September 2014.

Overarching FY-2014 Accomplishments

ABCG organized, facilitated, and supported the following cross-task outputs in FY2014:

  • Two large thematic meetings.
  • Twelve brown bag talks.
  • More than 35 research and peer-reviewed reports.
  • Six maps to guide resource-use decisions.
  • Four workshops.

Due to unforeseen delays in fund obligations, a number of ABCG activities and deliverables were not completed by September 30, 2014. ABCG obtained a no-cost extension of the award, until March 30, 2015, to complete this work.

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