Leading a Conservation Organization in Times of Crisis

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Leading During Covid 2020 webinar Flyer

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted all areas of our life. What was considered normal is no longer normal. Amidst the illness and the loss of lives of thousands of people globally, are other numerous negative economic and social consequences that have come with lock downs, social distancing and other measures of containing the spread of the virus. Many people have lost their economic livelihoods, families have been separated due to travel restrictions, children have missed months of school, anxiety runs deep in the minds of many as they try to stay safe and worry about the safety of their loved ones, among other disruptions.

This global public health crisis has further gone to test the leadership of many nations, organizations and institutions. The conservation sector has not been spared. The sector has experienced disruptions in its fieldwork activities, office closures, income loss, among others. The leadership of these organizations have had to make tough decisions. Decisions that would see their organizations and employees cushioned from the economic and social shocks caused by the pandemic, decisions that would ensure the safety and well-being of their employees, and decisions that would ensure that they continue to stay committed to their missions in the new normal.

Coronavirus, a zoonotic disease, has further demonstrated the strong interconnection between ecosystem health and human health. According to unep, environment changes are key drivers of zoonotic diseases. Now more than ever, biodiversity organization are faced with the challenge of ensuring that their activities will trigger actions that contribute to stopping nature loss and avert future pandemics and other disasters.

This webinar will discuss key leadership practices that leaders of conservation organizations are employing in dealing and responding to the global pandemic. The event will enable conservation organizations learn from each other on how to effectively manage crises at the individual, organization and institutional levels, and discuss a range of opportunities for building more resilience in the current and future crises. Discussion topics will include, crisis management in times of pandemic and COVID-19 and its links with biodiversity.

The webinar speakers will include, Ademola Ajagbe – Africa Director, BirdLife International; Michael O’Brien – Senior Vice President Africa Field Division, Conservation International; Munira Bashir – Kenya Program Director, The Nature Conservancy (TNC);  and Luther Bois Anukur – Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESARO), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The event will be moderated by Lucy Waruingi – Executive Director, African Conservation Centre.

Register here to participate: conta.cc/3fmtjYp

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