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Carl Trettin, Ph.D. discussed the establishment of a pilot Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) mangrove project, as part of USAID/Mozambique’s Climate Change Program. Mozambique has been identified as a country that is vulnerable to negative impacts from Climate Change, and one that also holds great potential to benefit from REDD+ carbon financing programs. Mozambique holds an estimated 291,146 to 368,000ha of mangrove, with approximately 28% occurring in the Zambezi delta.

Further, the USFS is working with WWF, the University Eduardo Mondlane, and the Government of Mozambique, to build capacity and develop replicable methodologies for determination of the carbon stocks of mangrove forests and associated land uses in the Zambezi Delta region of Mozambique. This work will also be incorporated into the national REDD+ and MRV program and help to establish baselines for REDD+ or other climate change mitigation activities in mangroves.

Accompanying this persentation are the slides, audio-visual recording, and a recent workshop held in Maputo, Mozambique, 29th31st October 2012, titled WIO- Mangroves and Carbon Assessment Regional Workshop.

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