The Western Indian Ocean Coastal Challenge (WIO-‐‑CC) is a governmental platform organized “to galvanize political, financial and technical commitments and actions at national and regional levels on climate change adaptation, promoting resilient ecosystems (marine and coastal resources), sustainable livelihoods and human security”. The WIO-‐‑CC is now investigating the feasibility of establishing a conservation trust fund (CTF) to support the achievement of this vision, and to meet the financial needs for the planning and management of coastal and marine resources for WIO-‐‑CC participating countries. The proposed fund for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-‐‑CC-‐‑CTF) is expected to provide the funds to cover immediate and recurrent costs for the environmental challenges facing the WIO-‐‑CC countries, with a particular focus on challenges facing the member countries from climate change and growing development pressures.
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